Different Types of News Sources

Examples of news. News is anything new that was not known before either present day or yesterday or even on the air, such as breaking news coverage of natural disasters or crime, terrorism, political intrigue or sports events. News is also an umbrella term for a lot of things that happened within the world of journalism, such as feature stories, which are usually news stories with a byline and usually about a particular event. Examples of news would be the terror attack in London, the earthquake in California and the recent uprising in Bangkok.

Examples of Fake News. Fake news can be misleading or completely fraudulent, either intended to mislead or misinform the public. It is comparable to radio and TV weather forecasts, in that the public cannot get everything they need to know from one source, but must make educated guesses and rely on other sources for data. Some examples of this would be the many stories of strange behavior by unidentified animals, the missing Malaysian flight and the shooting down of a civilian passenger plane over Malaysia.

Good News. Fake news sometimes makes it seem that there is no bad news in the world and this feeds into a sense of cynicism and leads to people turning away from traditional sources of news and toward sources that offer them up-to-date, but less biased information. Examples of good news in the public arena would include the release of a new scientific study, a new book, the first footage film from an asteroid hitting the Earth, or even the first details of a new movie. These news stories become viral sensations when they first appear on the web and are often shared extensively on social media, websites and through email. This type of “good news” is also sometimes called “fake news” due to the tendency of some bloggers and websites to pass them along as if they were authentic.

Examples of Bad News. No matter what kind of content you read, there will always be someone who will try to tell you something is wrong with the world or something is going to happen. Fake news sources and stories about the current political scene often circulate online and are shared virally among internet users. Examples of these would be news about the latest attacks on US soil by Islamic radicalism, claims that Russia is going to put a military exercise in the middle of North America or even that a certain Hollywood movie has been postponed due to an alleged bomb threat. It seems that there is no end to the things that people believe are going to happen and the only thing that stands between you and the terrible truth is a strong hold on the news sources that you rely on for your daily dose of entertainment.

Fake News. Fake news sources abound on the internet and are often published by companies that claim that they are objective and simply trying to provide the most important news to their readers. However, because they do not have any form of credibility like a news organization that regularly gets feedback from their readers and employees, fake news sources often times create a false sense of credibility for those who read them. For instance, some websites that spread fake news about the recent elections in the United States may get a few occasional votes here and there, but if these fake news stories get enough coverage on major social media networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, many people believe that their news source is more reliable than independent or traditional news sources.

Other than just spreading false information, fake news sources may also be spreading misinformation. For instance, some websites publish false stories just to make it seem like there are many other stories that are being covered by different media outlets. This is done for a number of reasons, including spreading misinformation themselves so that their page can appear higher up in search engine results and to get clicks from people who click on links in these different stories. Additionally, some news sources may publish information that is already available elsewhere on the internet, which is especially common with blog posts. It is very important for anyone who relies on different news sources to verify their information as it can affect how you interact with others online.